Friday, April 20, 2012


                                       We had a really excellent meal of  garoupa fish and you know what else!!
I  met this leng chai  in the Van from KK to Lawas.He gave me the introduction to his hometown.Basically he said that it was a lazy and laid back town.The following conversation is particularly pertinent:-

VJ- So what do you do the whole day in Lawas?

Leng Chai- Well, morning after Breakfast I relax, then after lunch I rest a little bit more - then after dinner I see some TV and  rest for a short while on my bed. The I lie down and go to sleep-loh!!!

( I think I am going to Lawas)

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Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Malaysia
Origin- Penang.Came to KL in 80's to study theology.Threw away my religious books after 4 years to read Law.