Sunday, December 7, 2008


Events in life mean nothing to us,if we do not reflect on them in a deep way..... Robert Greene.- The 33 Strategies of War


For the love of God,pull yourself together and do not look at things so darkly:the first step backwards makes a poor impression in the army,the second step is dangerous,and the third becomes fatal. Federick the Great-Letter to a General


It is normal for people to lash back at the earliest opportunity in moments of anger.Others,realizing the futily of fighting back,because their opponents are stronger and cleverer,maintain their composure,and bid their time,and in due time return to unload a double dose of their venom,often in the subtlest of ways.These are the sharks beneath the peaceful ocean.While maintaining their peaceful exteriors,they bite off huge chunks of flesh.The tide always turns,and the incoming tide is rarely noticeable at first.It is much better to take the peaceful road.When you are angry,take no action.Anger and impatience will draw you into situations in which it will be difficult to get out.Unless,of course,you love playing the victim and the useless,patronizing symphathy it brings.

Vijay- The Midnight Owl

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Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Malaysia
Origin- Penang.Came to KL in 80's to study theology.Threw away my religious books after 4 years to read Law.