Friday, May 1, 2009


In reference to Section14(1)of the Company's Act 1965,two or more persons,if they agree to become associated for any lawful person,may incorporate a Company.A Company is an association of persons who have agreed to undertake their lawful undertakings through a Company.When all the procedures have been complied with,the Registrar of Companies(ROC)will issue a Certificate of Incorporation under S36(1)CA 1965.This is the certificate that gives the Company its legal identity.


Mr.& Mrs.Lee and Puan Nellie are one of my long time friends.I learnt so much from them.Now and then they invite me for dinner.Today evening they invited me for tea and some kueh mueh.It was lovely.Thank you Tuan & Puan2. Regards. Vijay


Just last week,2 lawyers got roasted by a certain Judge.Both of them asked for a postpontment and got a shelling from the Puan.When one appears before her Court,dont mess around.Do your work. Vijay. The Midnight Owl

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Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Malaysia
Origin- Penang.Came to KL in 80's to study theology.Threw away my religious books after 4 years to read Law.