Saturday, November 22, 2008


Our emotional temperaments can be traced to how well or badly we deal with the inevitable conflicts that confront us in society.The common ways that people deal with them-trying to avoid all conflict altogether,getting emotional and lashing out,responding in a sly and manipulative way are all somewhat conterproductive in the long run.In fact it makes the situation worse.True,there will always be some Jackass somewhere who ruins our day. The best way to respond in situations like this is to offer no response. But if the other person is in a lower position than you can talk firmly or give a whipping.But with superiors however,you must take a different approach.In all situations, try to maintain your mental balance.Once you lose that balance and give an emotional response- you have lost.
Vijay- The Midnight Owl.

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Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Malaysia
Origin- Penang.Came to KL in 80's to study theology.Threw away my religious books after 4 years to read Law.