Friday, March 20, 2009


Behind the promising,harmlessand attractive exteriors of most friendships,lies the silent and lurking serpent within.It bids it's time.But for now its all sweet smiles,warm handshakes,lengthy conversations over tea time and enjoyable flatteries and exchanging confidences.Yes,its bids its time,it does not show its face or nature yet- because circumstances are not favourable as yet.As the Serpent lies completely motionless with hardly any sign of hostility, that its victims let down their defences thinking its friendly-and harmless.As the smiling 1st Class Moron unsuspectingly relaxes,is chummy as usual,that the Serpent slowly gets ready for action. He is about to learn a lesson he will never forget for the rest of his life.
The Midnight Owl

It is your own outdated strategy,not the unfair opponent that are to blame for your failures.

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Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Malaysia
Origin- Penang.Came to KL in 80's to study theology.Threw away my religious books after 4 years to read Law.