Friday, October 24, 2008


Unable to bear the foul stench of the Cats crap any longer,the Plaintiff,the Dog Community decided to take the matter to Court.The Dogs began "My Lord,it is a grave matter and one that ought to be disposed off with urgency, for although it is a well known fact that all the other citizens drop their extrements in public shamelessly, nevertheless the Defendants excrements emit a despicaple stench,which is mood altering,and in some cases,heart attacks-to say the least,My Lord".But the Presiding Judge,His Eminent Lordship the Rat,took offense because His Lordship shit also gave out a similar smell,albeit somewhat to a lesser degree(The judges personal habits were protected under the Official Secrets Act)and judgement was not given in favour of the Dogs.Dissatisfied,the Dogs appealed,and a Full Bench of the Supreme Court deliberated at length on the matter.The Lord Chief Justice Elephant gave the judgement.(His Lordship is protected by Judicial Immunity so the issue of his huge droppings cannot be raised in Court.)

The Judgment:This Court has considered all aspects of the Complaint.The Appeallants case has substantial merits in that,after a detailed nasal analysis of all excrements found in our land,it is proven beyond reasonable doubt,that the cats excrement emitted a stench, which is indescribable and the Verdict of this Court is that all cat shit must be concealed carefully with immediate effect.Though the Cat citizens were enraged and discriminated against,nevertheless that was the law.Ever since then,the Cats were bound by the Supreme Courts Ruling.

Soon,all citizens from the homo sapiens group began imitating the Cat in countless ways. The Midnight Owl

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Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Malaysia
Origin- Penang.Came to KL in 80's to study theology.Threw away my religious books after 4 years to read Law.